Buying Prices ... 
This website shows the guide prices
we offer for various original printer cartridges, and are shown 'banded'. The reason for this is that prices for empty cartridges can be very volatile, and keeping the Webpage updated with 'real-time' prices, for all the cartridges that can be recycled, is an administrative 'nightmare'.
     We offer better prices for quantities, quite simply because handling costs per unit become lower. We like to receive an inventory showing the type & number of cartridges, so a 'package' price (in the case of a mix of cartridges) can be quoted to you.

Our Minimum buying limit is £30.00.

Transportation ... 
e can either arrange collection, or you can send them to us. In either case cartridges will need to be well packed to prevent leakage and damage during transportation. If you send them to us we will reimburse postage costs,
but this must be agreed with us beforehand. Any additional parcels over & above our agreed quantity will be charged to you and the cost will be deducted from any final payment. To avoid this extra cost all cartridges must be packed to create parcels as near to (but not exceeding) 30Kgs as possible, as we are charged per parcel (up to 30Kgs).
If we collect then our preference is to collect from one central location of your choice (i.e. companies / organisations with offices around the country usually send all their units to their Head Office for us to collect).

Address Label.

(If you are going to send parcels to us and do not have a contract with a carrier company, try

Payment ... 
     We will only pay for units that can be successfully recycled and payment is usually made by cheque within 30 days. All units are checked for
damage and tested before payment will be made.
Cartridges ... 
     We take LaserJets, Inkjets, Fax & Xerox cartridges. In some cases we will also take cartridges that have already been recycled. Our listing of cartridges is not comprehensive, so there may be cartridges that you have, not shown on the list, that can be recycled (there are also a good many cartridges that can not be recycled!!!).
International Enquiries ...
     For International enquiries please contact us.

MT Cartridge Recycling will buy empty inkjet, laserjet, fax and toner cartridges for cash. We require 1000's of empty inkjet cartridges every month